Monday 23 April 2012

Thur 5 April: Jacqui & ECO2

Jacqui from Liberator brought me an ECO2 communication aid to try for 2 weeks. It is a touchscreen laptop with the same communication software I have on my (9 years old) Pathfinder - 128 location LLL. I have a Vantage Lite on loan from Regional Communication Aid Services Newcastle as well. It can only go up to 84 keys, so lots of words are either missing or have been stored under different sequences to what I'm used to. I have to decide whether I want to carry around a 15" tablet with added weight of long-life battery and amplified speaker, but which has the programme I use on it, or go for the smaller, lighter (slightly) Vantage, and learn all the new places for the words. Then my AAC SLT can sign prescription for replacement of old device and Sequal Trust can start raising funds for new one.

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