Sunday 30 January 2011

27 - 29 Oct: FaCE Work?

We have alot of work still to do on both sides of our project. Our second animation, The Language Givers, funded by Radiowaves and Diana Award, needs a soundtrack and editing. Our campaign for communication and Literacy for ALL, funded by Big Challenge, needs making real with the help of Big Challenge Youth Leadership and any volunteers we can get - our project remit is to involve 16 under-25's.   
We usually do a lot in the summer holidays but this year was house renovations followed by house move. Andrew went to Dilston residential college in September so we were hoping this half term and Christmas... But it goes like this - Wednesday DADLG Halloween disco all four of us. Take Gemma home. Andrew and Robert come stay at mine. Thursday morning Take Robert home to go to his Innovations, pick up Gemma to come here for a few hours. Friends come to see our new house. Teatime take Gemma home, pick up Robert for Taekwondo. Friends at Taekwondo take Andrew home to Stanley.   
We did talk about our projects, look over some stuff, write a letter to national Literacy Trust and send them our Language Mates, but we really need whole days together and as many days as we can to really get something done. Including portfolios to put in for an Arts Award.Roll on Xmas hols, spring half term, Easter...
27 October, the day after Big Challenge, Big Society @ Speaker's House, we added photos Andrew and Robert to the album so we are all in the AAC Visibility project.

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