Last summer, a group of teenagers from 1 Voice, including me, made a DVD called Listen to Me. Our movie is part documentary and part music track. The music track is on YouTube. You can view it at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5ZlUnU8Oeo
We talk about our experiences as communication aid users, and give our top tips on how to listen to us and communicate with us.
Listen to Me has been sent to people all over the world. It won us a Diana Award.
In November, Scope invited us to the launch of their No Voice, No Choice campaign at a large reception at Westminster, where John Bercow, MP, gave a talk about his Review of speech and language therapy throughout the UK.
The politicians watched our DVD, and Nadia read them her poem, With and Without a Voice.
The Teenagers' DVD project was funded with prize money from the Guardian and a grant from Awards for All. 1 Voice won the Guardian Award for Best Children's Charity in December 2006.
You can order a copy of Listen to Me from 1 Voice.
Call 0845 3307862, or email info@1voice.info.
Visit 1 Voice website to find out more about what we do: http://www.1voice.info/
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