My Pathfinder types straight into Word, the Internet, PowerPoint, Writing With Symbols, and more.

In Writing With Symbols, the icons I need to press on my overlay, to say or write the words, appear above each word as I type.
Plain text can be pasted from another programme and it is automatically symbolised with my icons in seconds.
When I store new words on my Pathfinder, the Writing With Symbols word list must be updated or no icons will appear above the new words.

Symbolised text helps me learn to build good sentences. It helps me to say and write words on my Pathfinder that I can't read or spell yet. It reminds me where new words are stored on my Pathfinder.
Symbolised text takes up around six times as much space as plain text, but I don't need pages of symbolised text for everything I say.
Sometimes I just need a crib sheet or topic page for a set of words on a given subject. I know lots of words already, and I have a symbol dictionary for where 1,100 high frequency words are stored on my Pathfinder.

But it is good to deliver a piece of work in one go without me having to look up lots of words on topic pages or in my dictionary.
Once I have prepared a piece of work, I can ask Writing With Symbols, Word, or my Pathfinder to read aloud the whole piece, a paragraph at a time, a sentence at a time, or word by word.
Word by word communication is best for talking and writing. It lets me say and write whatever I want.
Reading word by word on my Pathfinder is very slow. There are better ways to use AAC for reading. I will post on AAC and reading another day.