Wednesday, 25 February 2009

17 Feb: LD Parliament: UNCRPD

The UK Government has not yet ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, UNCRPD, and we have just had a letter from ALLFIE, the Alliance for Inclusive Education, telling us that the Government is trying to opt out of Article 24, on equal education.

I read ALLFIE's letters to the North East Learning Disability Service User Parliament at today's meeting (17 February 2009) and members signed the petition to Gordon Brown.

I have written more about it and put three movie clips on the Diana Award Channel here:

December, January, February

I ended up doing 3 movie projects with Engage TV, the ones at Percy Hedley and with the LD Parliament, and a 3-minute documentary about me.

December we had discos and pantos, meals out, quad biking, Xmas...

January I did a project with the Diana Award and Radiowaves. I learned how to podcast and do interviews and how to campaign. I was given the choice of joining one of the Diana campaigns like anti-bullying or knife crime, or doing a campaign of my own.

I am campaigning for people with communication disabilities to be given a way to say and write the same words that speaking people say every day. We have the technology and the knowledge to make this happen, so why isn't it?

Here's a link to my pages on the Diana Radio Channel: